The First Years 5 in 1 Carry Me Near Sleep System Review

The First Years 5 in 1 Carry Me Near Sleep SystemI just got my 5-in-1 bassinet today. I was a little nervous about it, having read all of the bad reviews on here. While my husband was putting it together, I brought up each critique I read and he pointed out all of the so-called problem areas. I've listed the ones I can think of below:

While it's true that the instructions weren't loose in the box, they were pretty easy to find. The bassinet folds in half for portability and that's the way it's packaged in the box. The instructions were sandwiched in-between the two halves. He found them right away and didn't have to look it up online or assemble anything extra. He said the instructions were very straight forward and put it together quickly. Being a teacher, I can't help but think that the people who complained about how hard it was to assemble didn't read the instructions.

There's a short little strap with a snap style buckle on each side of the base. It's a little hidden by the ruffles, but there's a slit in the fabric where you can pull them through. Once he snapped it into place, it was very secure. He was able to lift the entire unit from the handle of the bassinet.

When he first put it together, it was very tall. I mentioned how people had said it was too tall to fit comfortably next to a bed. It turns out that the legs are adjustable and have 6 different height settings. We put it on the lowest and it's below my bed level- and I have a pretty average bed.

I read a couple of reviews that said how they wished the handle would go down because it's hard to get the baby in and out. He found little buttons you press at the base of each handle. You have to look for them because they're kind of under the cloth, but they're there. This allows the handle to go all the way down.

When we were wheeling it into my bedroom, it went right through my doorway with no problems. Maybe my doors are wider than an average door. I really don't know, but I had no problem with that.

I think I only saw one review that mentioned this. There's a little padded strap thing that was left over after he put it together. When he looked at the directions, it showed that this strap thing attaches to the base, and then slides between the mattresses to hold it in place next to the bed.

With SIDS being such a concern now-a-days, I can completely understand why manufacturers don't want to have something too padded. I was expecting something really hard, but it has a foam padded cushion. With the cushion, it's actually a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be.

It may be possible that I have a newer model than the ones people have complained about, and that this new model fixed every problem area. However, I think the problem is that people don't look around for obvious solutions or read the instructions. Our baby is due any day now and I couldn't be happier with our purchase. I only wish I had gotten one with my daughter 3 years ago- it's perfect!

Click Here to see more reviews about: The First Years 5 in 1 Carry Me Near Sleep System

Product Description:
The Carry Me Near in Sleep System is a portable sleeperbassinetbedside sleeperplay seat and changing table all in one convenient productThe three sleep modes allow you to keep your sleeping baby close to you wherever you goThanks to the ergonomically designed handleyou can confidently carry your sleeping baby from room to room in the portable sleeperThe handles are battery operatedIt produces gentle vibrationsfive peaceful audio selections and a nightlight

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