Aidan - Four Piece Crib Set (quilt, bumper, sheet, dust ruffle) Review

Aidan - Four Piece Crib SetThis bedding is wonderful! I didn't want to go with animals, pastels, etc for my little boy but I still wanted something that said BOY. This goes great with the car theme we have in his room. The colors in the picture are a little misleading (but then again when aren't they?!) but they are better in real life. The yellow is more of a golden wheat, the red is a real brick red, the blue has some zig zag lines so its not solid blue and the brown is a suede material that is so rich looking! This set doesn't feel or look cheap. I like that there are several different patterns, they all work really well together. Many of the different pieces have different patterns so it doesn't match but it cordinates really well. If you are looking for a versitile, good quality bed set (with many matching room pieces) that are a good buy for the money, pick this set!!

Click Here to see more reviews about: Aidan - Four Piece Crib Set (quilt, bumper, sheet, dust ruffle)

Product Description:
Cocalo Aidan Four Piece Crib Set includes a quilt 44" x 37", a bumper 10" x 157" with 9" long ties, a dust ruffle 42" x 80" with 17" ruffle, and a fitted sheet 52" x 28".

Buy cheap Aidan - Four Piece Crib Set (quilt, bumper, sheet, dust ruffle) now


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