American Baby Company 100% Organic Cotton 4 Piece Crib Set Review

American Baby Company 100% Organic Cotton 4 Piece Crib SetThis low-cost "organic" bedding is NOT the great deal that it seems to be. It is made with polyester as well as RESIN TREATED POLYESTER, which is not an "organic" or eco-friendly material, at all. Don't know why anyone would even bother to put organic cotton in a product like this.

I knew the price seemed too low for organic. Unfortunately, 100% organic items are just not this affordable. Don't be fooled. I'm no scientist, but it's probably better to get conventional cotton as long as it's 100% cotton, rather than this polyester blend, which may have been treated with formaldehyde or some other industrial chemical. I wouldn't buy anything from this company, and this bedding is going back to Amazon.

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Product Description:
ABC 4 Piece Organic Cotton Mocha Velour Crib Set The organic crib set is made with Nature's purest fiber and is amazingly soft and durable. Organically grown cotton does not pollute the ground, water or air; it grows without soil poisoning pesticides and chemicals. The colors are naturally occurring shades, free from bleach and dyes. By improving the soil, water and air quality together, we can preserve MotherNature for our future generations. 1 CRIB SIZE BUMPER (10X162 ) Shell - organic cotton velour Filler - polyester 1 CRIB QUILT (30 X 45) Top layer - organic cotton velour Back layer - organic cotton interlock Middle layer - polyester 1 FITTED CRIB SHEET(28 X 52) - organic cotton velour 1 BED SKIRT (15 skirt) - organic cotton velour

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